Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I Remember

    I remember your smug, sanctimonious preaching to me that I should wear a mask, for the safety of my society, my city, my community. Because it's the right thing to do. I remember you saying things like unvaccinated people should be refused medical treatment, or even allowed to die. I remember you requiring children to mask up, even young infants. I remember the businesses closed down as "non-essential", while liquor stores, well-connected businesses, and porn shops stayed open. I remember your willful lies, told under the guise of public safety.  I remember being forced to wear a mask at work, or lose my job. You had a load of self-righteousness to inflict me on to me, and the rest of the world. I shall not forget, and I'm sure everyone else will, too. 

    Yet you say you had good intentions. That's a lie, too. From the very beginning, it was well known that Covid is mostly non-lethal (except for those with co-morbidities), and that masks do not work to prevent the spread. Cloth masks have natural pores wide enough for the virus to pass though. When some people with a voice strong enough to be heard mentioned this, you doubled down and said that people should wear more than one mask.

    I remember you dancing in the street in celebration after more than a thousand innocent Israelis were murdered, raped, and tortured. You still march in support of people who did this. You are so wrongly convinced that your cause is just that you block people from going about their lives. You disrupt the civil order, commit crimes against others, and harass random people whom you think are Israelis. I remember you glorifying George Floyd, and supporting the jailing and destruction of police officer Derek Chauvin. It's been proven that Floyd died from the amount of drugs in his system, not because of Officer Chauvin's actions. An innocent man sacrificed to advance your agenda, as if he were nothing but a tool. 

    I remember your smug disdain for Donald Trump and his supporters, as if they were deplorable. A man who pulled America out of war in the Middle East, and helped make a lot of people (myself included) prosperous. Unemployment, inflation and useless wars were all down way low during Trump's presidency, but yet, you act like he's Hitler. But yet, you support what is now an obvious plot to destroy Donald Trump, starting with the stolen election. Now you chortle with glee that an innocent man has been wrongly convicted of a felony. 

    I see you arresting people and sentencing them to prison for protesting in front of abortion clinics, as if there was some kind of inviolate right to kill an innocent child...

    I read some where that the only way to defeat evil people is to confront them and fight them with every ounce of strength I can muster. I agree, and I will fear no evil anymore. I will fight it, because I remember.