As for the mask mandates from the recent past, the same people who were pushing this on us were the same people who shamed and penalized people for not complying. It's one thing to shame people with mere words and accusations if their behavior endangers others. It's an entirely different thing when it's obvious masks don't work, but you require their use anyway, and punish the refuseniks. People lost their jobs, careers, homes and family over this issue, and all the while the Covidians were actively expressing their fake moral superiority and concern for humanity, by defending the mandates and lockdowns. Both of which were unnecessary, and ineffective.
Compounding this evil is the smug, sanctimonious, hostile, and condescending manner in which these people deal with those who disagree with them. They are so falsely convinced that their ideology is the one true ideology, and all others must be eradicated, that they feel justified in their evil. They act on a false premise, obviously, but what's more, they act from a position of moral superiority. Yes! Regardless of the truths behind the scenes (masks don't work, Jews are not inherently evil, bedbugs can fly, global warming is an immediate emergency, et al), they carry on, because 2+2=5. Because they said so.
Then there's the bizarre "Queers for Palestine" movement, showing how deadly it can be to act in defiance of reality (homosexuals are legally killed by Muslim radicals). There's the even more grotesquely bizarre phenomenon of men dressed as women reading to children in public libraries, and men competing against women in sports. Whenever something like this happens in a culture, when respect for truth and taboo loses to respect for feelings, that culture collapses and disappears.