Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Your Offense Means Nothing

to anyone but you:

I SAY I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING, or I display a flag in front of my house, and you tell me you're offended by these things. Well, do you really think I should care that you are offended?  What do you want me to do about it?  Change my behavior to suit you? Die? Do you even see me as a a sovereign individual? Perhaps you think I should care about your offense because you might inflict dire consequences, or perhaps you think you're more important than you really are? It's strange, this obsession with not offending people. It's taken a firm hold on our culture, up to the point where in some countries people are jailed for being offensive. Anyone who tries to manipulate people- through fear of the consequences of offending them- are classic malignant narcissists, and many of them are also tyrants. These sorts of people are the ones always demanding to speak to the manager for even the most trivial of slights. They are the ones who are offensive, in the true meaning of the word; they cause displeasure or resentment.  This fetid self-centeredness and the total lack of awareness of others is very uncomfortable to watch. Here's what it boils down to: constantly offended people think they deserve a value (discounts, line jump, et al) not because they deserve it, but because they're offended and will have you cancelled if you don't. 

Confessions of a Trump Supporter

THE NATIONAL ELECTION IS A MONTH AWAY,  and I should check the progress of that storm out in the gulf. Although I am living outside the fore...