Monday, September 23, 2019

Fake News: Let Them Eat Cake

John Russell Turner, Sept. 21, 2019

Marie Antoinette was beheaded. Afterwards, one of the leftists attending the decapitation ceremony took her head and put it on a pole. Other leftists saw this, and a malicious, gleeful parade was formed on the streets of Paris. This, from people whose motto was "liberty, equality, and brotherhood".

So what was Marie Antoinette guilty of, to deserve such vicious cruelty? Murder? Factual treason? Child molester? None of these. She was guilty of no crime, no felony, nor misdemeanor, according to the legal codes. She was a victim of the fake news of her time-her entire family denounced as moral perverts (and criminally insane)by the propagandists, who thought they had everything to gain by the elimination of the French monarchy. Soon heads were snapping off French necks at such an alarming rate that some historians believe an infected wheat harvest (LSD producing fungus) caused the mass hysteria which was the French Revolution.

This is why the fake news media in America, and the rest of the world, is so dangerous. The mob that paraded Marie Antoinette's severed head through the streets believed every word from the propagandists/intellectuals of the time. They did the same thing then as the various news outlets do today: they appeal to humanity's darker emotions. They are literally attempting to make way for the mobs, so they may rule in the ruins.