Saturday, November 6, 2010

Barack Obama Talks Out Both Sides Of His Mouth

"It's your policies, stupid!"

President Obama has said, in his weekly address to the nation, that he will not support any extension of the Bush tax cuts. Here is a report from The Hill on the subject. An excerpt from the report:
In his weekly address Saturday, Obama said that Democrats and Republicans not only agree on middle-class tax cuts but the need to rein in spending, and used this to try to drive his position on the tax cuts.
"At a time when we are going to ask folks across the board to make such difficult sacrifices, I don’t see how we can afford to borrow an additional $700 billion from other countries to make all the Bush tax cuts permanent, even for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans," the president said. "We’d be digging ourselves into an even deeper fiscal hole and passing the burden on to our children."