May 9, 2019
Some women and girls who consider abortion do so because they are faced with extreme difficulties, should they carry their unborn babies to term. This does not justify aborting the unborn baby, because that would be murder. There are alternatives, however, and that's been briefly covered in another post in this blog. Today I am addressing another motive people have in choosing and or supporting abortion.
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"We're proud to kill unborn babies!" |
Some of you may have read the news story about Planned Parenthood supporters crashing a Students for Life event at The University of Texas in San Antonio. For those of you who haven't, very few mainstream news outlets carried the story, but here it is in a nutshell. Also, here's the story from Breitbart.
The purpose of the Students for Life event was to memorialize all the babies killed by abortion. To do so, they put up a mock cemetary with crosses. The purpose of the Planned Parenthood supporters was to demonstrate their contempt for human life. They mocked the event by chanting about how great abortion is, and by chanting things like "abortion is my number one kink", and "stop, hey what's that sound, all the fetuses are in the ground". Here is the College Fix website, which posted a video of the protest/demonstration. It's obvious that the protesters do not believe that life begins at conception, and truly believe (or want to believe) that embryos and fetuses are not human. Such a cavalier attitude is psychologically revealing.
It is not only obvious, but essential to the people defending abortion that what is being aborted is not human. Otherwise, they would be guilty of a heinous crime, largely, and mostly for the sake of having casual sex with minimal consequences. Notice that these people came to the event not to merely defend their right to have an abortion. No, they also came to mock the people who staged the event in order to defend the right of unborn babies to live, and to memorialize those who have died. If you believe that an embryo or fetus is not human life, and so to abort it is not murder, then you turn this blind eye to reason because you want that right to abort no matter what. So the people who shine a light on the evil of abortion would be your enemy. They make it clear that pro-abortion people are indeed guilty of a heinous, grossly despicable, dishonorable crime. And the protesters at the University of Texas-San Antonio know this. Witness their giddy, gleeful contempt of the idea behind the event: to memorialize the hundreds of thousands of defenseless unborn who were aborted, who were literally murdered by their own mothers. Yes, they know this, but do not care, because they want what they want when they want it, and if some one has to die, so be it.