Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Leftist Art/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good

by John Russell Turner

The mocking of Christianity continues at the Smithsonian Institute. Remember the infamous "Piss Christ"? Now we have the "Ant Christ", a picture of Jesus covered in ants, displayed at the Smithsonian at taxpayer expense. Here is a link for a great story on this filth. Megan Fox, the writer of this story, makes an excellent point: although we hear over and over again how Islam is the "religion of peace", it is Christianity that is the true religion of peace. We Christians see something like the Ant Christ, says Fox, and merely get disgusted. But if a Muslim were to see a similar depiction of Mohamed, heads would (literally) roll.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Just checking in....

I've been very busy lately, so I haven't had the time to post to this blog. Tonight, however, I'm working at the King County Administration building, babysitting 30 or so homeless men who come here for shelter every night. Everyone is asleep right now-except me, which is as it should be. I bring them in, give them a mat and a blanket, and make sure everyone gets along. One of the men who came in tonight is drunk, and was bothering a few of the others, so I had to tell him to behave, or I'd throw him out. He agreed to behave himself, and fell asleep.

 It has warmed up a lot since we had that blast of arctic air three days ago-Seattle was almost completely paralyzed by the snow and ice, although near as I can tell, only about four or five inches accumulated on the ground. But the temperature dropped down to 15 degrees, and all the homeless shelters filled up quickly. It's midnight now,  about 40 degrees outside, so tonight there are fewer people sleeping here. A lot of homeless people avoid the shelters whenever they can, and sleep outside, mainly because they don't like the rules (and they also don't like the thieves and drug addicts who plague the shelters).

Funny,  the City Council just increased the parking fees...but Seattle can't get the streets cleared off whenever a snowstorm hits.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Barack Obama Talks Out Both Sides Of His Mouth

"It's your policies, stupid!"

President Obama has said, in his weekly address to the nation, that he will not support any extension of the Bush tax cuts. Here is a report from The Hill on the subject. An excerpt from the report:
In his weekly address Saturday, Obama said that Democrats and Republicans not only agree on middle-class tax cuts but the need to rein in spending, and used this to try to drive his position on the tax cuts.
"At a time when we are going to ask folks across the board to make such difficult sacrifices, I don’t see how we can afford to borrow an additional $700 billion from other countries to make all the Bush tax cuts permanent, even for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans," the president said. "We’d be digging ourselves into an even deeper fiscal hole and passing the burden on to our children."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Leftists Argue

An amazing video. Must see.

Thanks to David Horowitz and the staff at Front Page Mag.com

Quantative Easing, A Junket to India, Big Brother Bans Food, and Indian Summer

THIS MORNING HERE IN SEATTLE is beautiful and unseasonably warm. For the past three days, we've been enjoying a most welcome "Indian Summer" (yesterday I saw a few ladies wearing shorts outside). I got to campus right at dawn as I usually do, and I spent about twenty minutes admiring the expanse of cobalt blue sky above a faint ribbon of reddish pink...and thinking about the times we have found ourselves in.

So, in the news today.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Results: Republicans Take House, De Facto Control of Senate

In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. --Ayn Rand

With most of the election results in this morning, the Republicans have taken control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Republicans also won a majority of state governorships. As for the Senate, it appears that the Democrat bastards have kept their majority there, but I believe that they'll be more inclined to distance themselves from President Obama's agenda for fear of being voted out of office if they are perceived as being supportive of him. Here in Washington State it looks like Patti Murray will win, although as of right now only 40% of King County (Seattle) precincts have reported in.

So, where do we go from here? Well, I have some suggestions of my own, but I will let Michelle Malkin's words do the talking for me. In this article, she writes that now is not the time to make peace with the bastards; now is the time to take the gloves off and hit them some more. I agree.

Let us not forget who these people are, and what they have done. We'll forgive them once they are all out of office, and of no harm to our great country anymore. But for the next two years, we should focus on getting a solid conservative in the White House, as well as resisting every bit of the evil agenda of those bastards. I say there can be no compromise, no middle ground with the Democrats; we must defeat them utterly, and stand firm on our own principles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin Call Leftists "Bastards"

In his morning update this morning, radio commentator Rush Limbaugh called partisan democrats "bastards", and just yesterday, Sarah Palin said the same thing about the leftist media (see yesterday's post).

And bastards they are. Leftists hold an ideology that has been the root cause of much of the bloodshed in the 20th century. The Soviet Union (Joe Stalin, Lenin). Mao Tse Tung. Pol Pot. Adolf Hitler. All these men were leftists, adhering to a doctrine that in consequence led to the outright murder of millions of people.

Now let me make myself clear. Barack Obama is a leftist. His words and actions make this obvious. Yes, Obama is a bastard, too, because all the narcissistic little creep can do is carry that chip on his shoulder and destroy the greatest society known to man, a society that enabled him to rise to prominence.

I hope and pray that after the votes are counted tonight, these bastards will be utterly defeated. Then, we can create prosperity for the most number of people. Then, we can keep more of the money we work so hard for.