Wednesday, May 22, 2019

You Owe Me, Brother

Pay Attention, and Get Busy

by John Russell Turner, May 22, 2019

OK, pal, I'm here to educate you on some basic realities. Listen up:

There is no objective reality; everything is subjective. Mankind is influenced solely by the culture he grew up in, the groups he belongs to, and ultimately, by the contents of his stomach.

I am convinced of the superiority of my moral views, because my professors at college told me so.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

We'll Kill You if You Disagree

Power for the sake of power

by John Russell Turner, May 21, 2019

In this post, I am making no attempt to try to convince Leftists to change their minds about their beliefs. For many of them, their minds are made up. This post is like preaching to the choir, but in stark, explicit terms, so everyone understands what's really involved here. It's the battle between good and evil, and believe me, evil people are expert at posing as good. So let me define my terms. 1. SECULAR: Evil=the refusal to think. Good=the acceptance of thinking as a necessity. 2. RELIGIOUS: Evil=all that which is against the will of the Judeo-Christian God; 2. Good=all that which is in accordance with the will of the Judeo-Christian God.

The useful idiot Leftists have a plan that will benefit all of humanity, insure equality, and advance the evolution of humanity to new and better levels. Because Leftists proclaim to care about the plight of the poor, the oppressed, and the down-trodden, they believe their morals and characters are beyond question, debate, and reproach. And if you happen to disagree with any of their beliefs, they'll kill you, or silence you. If you point out that their Che Guevara T-shirts glorify a man who was a well documented killer of hundreds of innocent people, they will turn shrill in their denunciations of your own character and moral stature. If you point out that their ideology has led to literally millions of human corpses, they will attack you in whatever way they can hurt you-and silence you-the most. They are so sure of the moral superiority of their beliefs that they will listen to no debate, dismiss all disagreement, and proceed to destroy you in any way they can. They are like children who cover their ears and scream "la la la la" over and over to drown out their parents telling them "no". The video below is an excellent example of this mindset:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Best Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers videos

Goodbye to the Big Bang Theory

Just received news from my Facebook feed that after twelve seasons (a record), The Big Bang Theory was airing it's final episode.

What a great show, filled with laughs, good times, and great story lines. From the very beginning, I was hooked by the concept of the series: the trials and tribulations of the super bright and nerdy. Then there was the surprising array of celebrity guest appearances: Sara Gilbert, from Roseanne ; Summer Glau,the actress who played the Terminator Cameron on The Sarah Connor Chronicles; Laurie Metcalf, also from Roseanne; Charlie Sheen, from Two and a Half Men, Courtney Henggeller from Happy Endings; George Takei, from the original Star Trek; comic mogul Stan Lee;  Deadwood  actor Keith Carradine; Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones from Star Wars, et al. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

10 Evil, Irrational, and Narcissistic Pro-Abortion Quotes

by John Russell Turner, May 16, 2019

TODAY I'M GOING TO GO OVER THE FAVORITE DEFENSES, RATIONALIZATIONS AND QUOTES of the pro-abortion crowd.  Let's get right into it.

1. It's my body, I can do with it as I please/Keep your politics off my uterus, etc.

Yes, princess, it's your body, but inside your body is another human being. Yes, the baby is dependent upon you, but also separate and distinct from you. Since your unborn baby is defenseless, your killing him or her is a particularly heinous, despicable evil made even worse by this lame rationalization.