Wednesday, May 22, 2019

You Owe Me, Brother

Pay Attention, and Get Busy

by John Russell Turner, May 22, 2019

OK, pal, I'm here to educate you on some basic realities. Listen up:

There is no objective reality; everything is subjective. Mankind is influenced solely by the culture he grew up in, the groups he belongs to, and ultimately, by the contents of his stomach.

I am convinced of the superiority of my moral views, because my professors at college told me so.

My moral views are not subject to debate, nor even to disagreement. They are absolute. If you disagree, that in itself is proof of your moral depravity, and inferiority, to me.

Because my moral views are superior to yours, and because my moral views are so good, anything I do in their service or defense is justified.

I have no obligation to be civil to anyone who disagrees with me.

People who use logic and reason to debate are using the code words of racism, oppression, sexism, and patriarchy.

There is no God; what feels good, is good.

Whatever I want, I am entitled to get, by right of my being a human being.

Feelings, not facts, are what's important. Facts are tools used by racists, sexists, homophobes and neo-Nazis to oppress and subjugate people. Facts are not true for everyone. Feelings, are.

Those who work are obligated to support those who simply do not want to work, because that is their wish and therefore their right.

If you are successful, wealthy, prosperous, healthy, good-looking, talented, strong, intelligent, etc., etc., then you owe a debt to those who aren't those things.

You are responsible for my happiness.

You are obligated not to offend anyone.

You're stupid, and I'm not. I'm better than you, because I know all the things mentioned above intuitively, while you contend with every one of them. This is absolute proof of your stupidity and evil.

I am an interchangeable brick in the edifice of my group. It is not I, but we, who are important.