Thursday, May 16, 2019

10 Evil, Irrational, and Narcissistic Pro-Abortion Quotes

by John Russell Turner, May 16, 2019

TODAY I'M GOING TO GO OVER THE FAVORITE DEFENSES, RATIONALIZATIONS AND QUOTES of the pro-abortion crowd.  Let's get right into it.

1. It's my body, I can do with it as I please/Keep your politics off my uterus, etc.

Yes, princess, it's your body, but inside your body is another human being. Yes, the baby is dependent upon you, but also separate and distinct from you. Since your unborn baby is defenseless, your killing him or her is a particularly heinous, despicable evil made even worse by this lame rationalization.

2. Seventy-seven percent of anti-abortion leaders are men. 100% of them will never be pregnant.
—Planned Parenthood advertisement

So? What does this have to do with the fact that abortion is killing, and would be murder if not for Roe v. Wade? Besides, since abortion is where a lot of people turn to when the condoms break or whatever birth control being used doesn't work, I would imagine a lot of men are in favor of abortion, as a method of last ditch birth control. The implication here is that if you happen to have a penis, your opinion on abortion is irrelevant and inconsiderate. It's as if these people think possession of certain genitalia is a criterion for moral discernment.

3. No woman has an abortion for fun.
-Elizabeth Joan Smith

No doubt, this is true for the vast majority of women, especially the victims of rape and incest. The point here is that alternatives to abortion are available for all women. No matter how a human being is conceived, he or she is still a human being. Again, to abort an unborn baby is the killing of a defenseless human being. To consciously decide to do so is premeditated murder, regardless of the circumstances. What about abortion to save the life of the mother?  For another take, click here. For yet another opinion on this, click here to read a USA Today article. So yes, this is a very serious issue for most women, and at times, can truly have an adverse effect on the mother's life. Still, since there are effective alternatives to abortion in most cases (abortions to save the life of the mother are rare), these options must be pursued.

4. The emphasis must be not on the right to abortion but on the right to privacy and reproductive control.
—Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Oh, the euphemisms of these people! Do I have the right to kill my 17 year old son in the privacy of my home? "Reproductive control", when used properly as a term, should be confined to abstinence from sex, and sex within the confines of a mutually loving, supportive marriage. Actions have consequences, and your uncontrollable lust just might result in the conception of a human being.

5. It is not until birth that the baby has the right to life/life begins after birth.

Why? On what basis does this argument rest? When an unborn baby is free from her mother's body, then at that point he or she is a human and has rights? If you can draw the line at that point, then you could also draw the line at a later point! Well, why not? Like, for example, when the child is 5 years old ? When the child is fully independent from his or her parents? Age 50? Hell, for that matter, you could also draw the line backwards, at say, three months in utero, six months, etc., etc. But why, at any of these points, is the person in question not/is a human being with rights? The only point at which to draw this line, logically, and also to serve no one's personal agenda (including my own) is at conception.

6. No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.
—Frederica Mathewes-Green

Yeah, those pesky clumps of unwanted tissue sure can be a buzzkill, ay? This kind of defense would probably appeal to those who think it's OK to do what you want, whenever you want, and never mind the consequences.

6. “[] it is unthinkable to allow complete strangers, whether individually or collectively as state legislators or others in government, to make such personal decisions for someone else.” 
― Sarah Weddington, A Question of Choice

No, Sarah, it's not making personal decisions for someone else. It's called defense of the unborn, who, in case you haven't noticed, are incapable of defending themselves.

7. “Women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into panties. Propaganda and lies to get into office, to get out of court, to get out of paying child support. Get the fuck out of our decisions and give us back our voice. Women deserve better; women deserve choice.” 
― Sonya Renee Taylor

This person thinks that ugly vulgarity, combined with angry incoherence will drive home her point, which is:  all you nosy, horny, repressive, woman hating, meddling, despicable men should just shut up and let women kill babies at will. If you don't, Sonya here will kick your effing ass! Memo to Sonya: no one deserves the freedom to kill another human being, especially a defenseless one totally dependent upon her mother. What are you saying, really? That you hate men? That your last boyfriend was an SOB? 

8. No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain. Me.” 
― Alicen Grey

Because narcissistic personality disorder.

9. “I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.” 
― Hillary Clinton

Another tired, shop-worn euphemism from the answer to America's problems, Nurse Ratched, er, uh, Hillary Clinton. No one should be permitted to choose to kill another human being. More inanity from Crooked Hillary. 

10. The anti-life of [Jerry Falwell] proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offenses to morality and truth in this country if you'll just get yourself called Reverend. People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup.” 
― Christopher Hitchens

Ah, if logic and reason doesn't support your argument, then trot out the old argumentum ad hominem, or, "argument against the man". Hitchens, a noted atheist, doesn't explain what moral offenses Falwell has committed. "Anti-life"? Could you be more specific, Chris? And by the way, even if Falwell tortures kittens, abortion is still killing defenseless individuals. No doubt Hitchens has some sort of moral equvalency argument ready; most pro abortionists do. You know, we defenders of the unborn also support the second amendment, so we must be hypocrites. Whatever, Chris. Because no God.