Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Pro-abortionists: You Sanction Murder for Convenience

1. There was never a "right" to abortion in the US Constitution, neither explicit nor implicit.  A right to kill an unborn child? Where in this document does it say this is OK, or that abortion is a right that the government should defend? 

2. In the case of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, many people feel that the woman-or girl- involved should not be saddled with carrying such a burden and restriction on their lives. Time and money at her expense, an interruption of her life, etc., etc., as well as the psychological damage this might cause her. All of these arguments simply state that a human being born from rape or incest does not have the right to live, if the mother so chooses. Of course all of this is horrible, a hideous thing to happen to a woman or girl. Does that mean that the baby should die? The pro-choice people say "yes". 

3. In the case when a pregnancy is endangering the life of the mother for medical reasons, an exception should be made. The only exception. All of the research I've done on this has shown me that such a danger is rare, but exists nevertheless for certain females. Despite this fact, pro-choicers wail "you can't outlaw abortions! What if the mother will die, if she carries to term?" Answer? Yes, we can, but only if all measures to protect the mother and the unborn baby have been tried, or medically deemed necessary to save the mother's life. Again, this doesn't happen very often, and should not be used as a justification for making all abortion legal

4. Need this be said? The unborn baby is not the mother's body, but a separate individual possessing a body of his own, who happens to live inside the body of the mother for 9 or so months.

5. Per science, an individual's life begins when a sperm successfully combines with an egg, and development begins. In other words, at conception. Any other line drawn here is mostly self-serving, for if you can say a human being's right to live begins when they're born into the world, you can also claim it begins at any point, including age 5, when the child becomes an adult, at 3 months, etc. 

6. Abortion is a form of birth control, like the pill or any other method. Those who scream vociferously about "It's my body!", "Keep your laws of my uterus", etc., simply want to have casual sex without consequences. 

So go ahead and spew your evil bile, demanding a right to murder a child for any reason whatsoever.