Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Banality of Evil in the Middle East

 by J.R. Turner, 2023

The people of Jewish faith have been killed, persecuted, harassed and ridiculed for over a millennia, and more. Why? Is it because they claim to be God’s chosen people? Is it because Jews sent Jesus to the Romans to be crucified? Is it because people believe the Jews unjustly displaced the Palestinian Arabs? Or perhaps because there are a disproportionate number of them who are affluent and prosperous? This hatred of Jews is perfectly illustrated by the name given to the land by the conquering Romans: Palestine. This was done to mock and humiliate them, because the ancient enemy and foe of the Jewish state were the Philistines (Latin, Palestina). Now, the rebellious Hebrews lived in a land named after their enemies. Apparently the Romans thought this was cute, but the name stuck over the ensuing millennia, but only to refer to the region.

Why do I bring this up? Because the people who are called “Palestinians” by the world today use a name given to the region in order to humiliate the Jews who had rebelled against Roman rule not long after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is an inaccurate, misleading, disingenuous name referring to a group of Arabs-and others-living in what is now Israel. These peoples history goes back to the years of the Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkey), when the region was also known as Syria. The Ottomans had recruited people from all over the world to come there and help make the land productive for them. These people stayed over the generations to come, were subjects of the Turks, and did not therefore create their own state. After World War One, the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and the people living there (of which many were Jews) did not form a state of their own. In short, there are no such thing as indigenous, aboriginal Palestinians. They are mostly Arabs descended from the people who came to the land to work for the Ottomans. Furthermore, before the Ottomans conquered the land, there was not a “Palestinian” state. Only nomadic and settled Arabs, and yes, Jews, who lived there. Therefore, there never was a “Palestinian” state, and the claim of the Jews to the area is valid, as they had lived there for millennia, and formed their own country, ancient Israel, which had been conquered by many different peoples, many of whom were not Arabs.

The actual, factual history of modern day Israel started when the British, who had helped destroy the Ottoman Empire because they had sided with the Germans during World War One, eventually set up a Jewish state after the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two. By this time, a lot of people felt great sympathy for the historical plight of the Jews, and so, as a result of a British document called the Balfour Declaration, modern-day Israel was formed. For further reference, click here. Also, here.

Whatever the reasons for such virulent hatred of the Jews, almost none of it has to do with what actually happened. And it should be mentioned that Israel has repeatedly offered the Palestinian Arabs a state which they could govern. They turned it down, in the name of their vicious, evil hatred of the Jews, and their state, Israel. Also, the Israelis withdrew from Gaza in 2005, allowed the people living there to govern themselves, and provided extensive financial aid for their infrastructure. It has become clear now what the Arabs governing Gaza did with that money: they used it to further their unjust vendetta against the Jews by arming themselves, building viable tunnels in order to invade Israeli territory, train terrorists, and personally enrich themselves. As a result, the ordinary people living in Gaza saw very little improvement in their living standards, if not an actual decline. The unemployment rate has hovered around 80%. So there was no interest in properly maintaining their de facto state in Gaza, only in murdering Jews for crimes none of them committed. The so-called Palestinians (actually, radical Islamists) were never interested in having a country of their own. This entire conflict has been extremely profitable for a very small group of opportunists who use this situation to personally enrich themselves, and for those who historically profit over war. Yasser Arafat, the infamous “leader” of “The Palestinians” was a phony character who cared nothing for “The Palestinians”, and died a multi-millionaire.

Which brings us to the most recent conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists. Over the years, repeated attempts to make peace with these people failed. Hamas invaded Israel and killed a lot of innocent people in a most brutal manner. Infants, children and women were either raped, killed (sometimes by decapitation), tortured or dragged out of their homes to be held as hostages. Need it be said? No matter how heinously you have been treated, no matter what your beef is with anyone, you do not have any right or justification to murder innocents in their homes. Period. If you do so, you are dangerous and evil, fit only for destruction and annihilation. If the Palestinian Arabs living in Gaza do not want their city burned and destroyed, their men, women and children killed as collateral damage, then they should not elect terrorists to govern them. Is peace in this region possible? Yes, but only if the fundamental Muslims lay down their arms and allow it to happen. Only if they give up their irrational, evil hatred of the Jews. Only if the ordinary people refuse to allow these radical fundamentalists to exist within their community. Given the proven and often demonstrated hatred of Jews and their state, given the horrible atrocities they have commuted, Hamas should be wiped off the face of the Earth, forever. Furthermore, those idiots in the West who clearly show their support for Hamas, knowing full well what the bastards have done, should be severely punished. They condone the murder of babies. They condone the murder of all Israelis, men, women and children. Do not think that many of these scum are not aware of the truth, that Israel is not an occupying force, but rather a force for good and for human prosperity, and that they have a legitimate, historical claim to the land. They know.