Monday, September 23, 2019

Fake News: Let Them Eat Cake

John Russell Turner, Sept. 21, 2019

Marie Antoinette was beheaded. Afterwards, one of the leftists attending the decapitation ceremony took her head and put it on a pole. Other leftists saw this, and a malicious, gleeful parade was formed on the streets of Paris. This, from people whose motto was "liberty, equality, and brotherhood".

So what was Marie Antoinette guilty of, to deserve such vicious cruelty? Murder? Factual treason? Child molester? None of these. She was guilty of no crime, no felony, nor misdemeanor, according to the legal codes. She was a victim of the fake news of her time-her entire family denounced as moral perverts (and criminally insane)by the propagandists, who thought they had everything to gain by the elimination of the French monarchy. Soon heads were snapping off French necks at such an alarming rate that some historians believe an infected wheat harvest (LSD producing fungus) caused the mass hysteria which was the French Revolution.

This is why the fake news media in America, and the rest of the world, is so dangerous. The mob that paraded Marie Antoinette's severed head through the streets believed every word from the propagandists/intellectuals of the time. They did the same thing then as the various news outlets do today: they appeal to humanity's darker emotions. They are literally attempting to make way for the mobs, so they may rule in the ruins.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflections From an Alleged Boomer

by John Russell Turner, July 3, 2019

Most of the sources I checked define the "Boomers" (short for "baby boomers") as anyone born in America between the years 1944-1964. That would make me a boomer.

Here is an excellent source of information on the subject of generational names.

As a matter of fact, most, if not all of the kids I grew up with would have told you that the baby boom generation was our parents, not us. My maternal grandfather came home from WW2 and almost immediately sired my mother, Karin, who was born in 1945. As for my paternal grandmother, Gertrude, she came from a line of Polish and European immigrants, along with my paternal grandfather, who was a skilled tradesman from a long Irish-European ancestry. They had my father Lawrence in 1943.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Noa Pothoven is Gone

by Sam Tobin, June 12, 2019

I read a Tweet the other day, from a prominent pro-life activist I greatly admire. The Tweet mentioned a Dutch girl who had been euthanized in The Netherlands. Here is Matt Valliere, from Fox News on this seemingly tragic story from Europe. To be fair, here is the New York Intelligencer's report, as well. It is interesting how divided this story has become, but as a week or so has passed, it is clear that Noa died from starvation...and no one at her family home, nor any doctors that knew Noa's history and what was going on, tried to stop it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Abortion: The Real Issue

I can do what I want, because I am God

by John Russell Turner, June 4, 2019

Abortion is not the real issue (although a deadly serious one). I'll get to that later. But first, a definition recap:

There are essentially two basic questions in the abortion debate, and one basic premise:

Question One, "when does human life begin?" can be easily answered. It begins at the moment of conception, that is, at the moment when the sperm fertilizes the egg and cell division begins.

Question Two: "when do human rights begin?" can be easily answered, as well. Human rights begin at the moment a human being is conceived, again, at conception. Why? Because we are human. What are human rights? The right to live, which in this context means the right not to be killed, to continue on with his or her development until natural death occurs. Some would argue for other rights, but for the purposes of this argument, let's stick to the most fundamental of rights, the right to live, because without this right, no other rights can exist.

Basic premise: it is morally wrong to kill other people for any reason other than self-defense.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Worst Betrayal of All

by John Russell Turner, May 27, 2019

The prevailing "argument" these days of pro-abortion people is to point to some other problem (usually children who are in orphanages, or going hungry), and then say something like "100,000 homeless babies, and you're worried about an embryo", etc., etc. Of course these are two very different issues: one is the problem of childhood poverty; the other, of killing defenseless unborn babies. I choose the abortion issue to worry about, because it is heinously cruel, and brutally evil to kill a defenseless unborn human being. I'll let others fight to help homeless and hungry born children, for I am only one person, as we all are, and I can't right all the wrongs in the world. I must, out of necessity, choose my battles. To say "how can you fight so passionately for the rights of the unborn when so many born children are suffering?" is in essence claiming that the unborn are not human-but they most certainly are! Science, reason, logic-and our consciences-says that human life begins at conception. Therefore, unborn babies have the right to live, and we all have the moral obligation not to kill them. They need someone to defend them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

You Owe Me, Brother

Pay Attention, and Get Busy

by John Russell Turner, May 22, 2019

OK, pal, I'm here to educate you on some basic realities. Listen up:

There is no objective reality; everything is subjective. Mankind is influenced solely by the culture he grew up in, the groups he belongs to, and ultimately, by the contents of his stomach.

I am convinced of the superiority of my moral views, because my professors at college told me so.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

We'll Kill You if You Disagree

Power for the sake of power

by John Russell Turner, May 21, 2019

In this post, I am making no attempt to try to convince Leftists to change their minds about their beliefs. For many of them, their minds are made up. This post is like preaching to the choir, but in stark, explicit terms, so everyone understands what's really involved here. It's the battle between good and evil, and believe me, evil people are expert at posing as good. So let me define my terms. 1. SECULAR: Evil=the refusal to think. Good=the acceptance of thinking as a necessity. 2. RELIGIOUS: Evil=all that which is against the will of the Judeo-Christian God; 2. Good=all that which is in accordance with the will of the Judeo-Christian God.

The useful idiot Leftists have a plan that will benefit all of humanity, insure equality, and advance the evolution of humanity to new and better levels. Because Leftists proclaim to care about the plight of the poor, the oppressed, and the down-trodden, they believe their morals and characters are beyond question, debate, and reproach. And if you happen to disagree with any of their beliefs, they'll kill you, or silence you. If you point out that their Che Guevara T-shirts glorify a man who was a well documented killer of hundreds of innocent people, they will turn shrill in their denunciations of your own character and moral stature. If you point out that their ideology has led to literally millions of human corpses, they will attack you in whatever way they can hurt you-and silence you-the most. They are so sure of the moral superiority of their beliefs that they will listen to no debate, dismiss all disagreement, and proceed to destroy you in any way they can. They are like children who cover their ears and scream "la la la la" over and over to drown out their parents telling them "no". The video below is an excellent example of this mindset:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Best Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers videos

Goodbye to the Big Bang Theory

Just received news from my Facebook feed that after twelve seasons (a record), The Big Bang Theory was airing it's final episode.

What a great show, filled with laughs, good times, and great story lines. From the very beginning, I was hooked by the concept of the series: the trials and tribulations of the super bright and nerdy. Then there was the surprising array of celebrity guest appearances: Sara Gilbert, from Roseanne ; Summer Glau,the actress who played the Terminator Cameron on The Sarah Connor Chronicles; Laurie Metcalf, also from Roseanne; Charlie Sheen, from Two and a Half Men, Courtney Henggeller from Happy Endings; George Takei, from the original Star Trek; comic mogul Stan Lee;  Deadwood  actor Keith Carradine; Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones from Star Wars, et al. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

10 Evil, Irrational, and Narcissistic Pro-Abortion Quotes

by John Russell Turner, May 16, 2019

TODAY I'M GOING TO GO OVER THE FAVORITE DEFENSES, RATIONALIZATIONS AND QUOTES of the pro-abortion crowd.  Let's get right into it.

1. It's my body, I can do with it as I please/Keep your politics off my uterus, etc.

Yes, princess, it's your body, but inside your body is another human being. Yes, the baby is dependent upon you, but also separate and distinct from you. Since your unborn baby is defenseless, your killing him or her is a particularly heinous, despicable evil made even worse by this lame rationalization.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Really Great Classical/Symphonic Music

My Favorite Classical/Symphonic Music Videos

Abortion? That's a Good Thing!

by John Russell Turner
May 9, 2019

Some women and girls who consider abortion do so because they are faced with extreme difficulties, should they carry their unborn babies to term. This does not justify aborting the unborn baby, because that would be murder. There are alternatives, however, and that's been briefly covered in another post in this blog. Today I am addressing another motive people have in choosing and or supporting abortion.
"We're proud to kill unborn babies!"

Some of you may have read the news story about Planned Parenthood supporters crashing a Students for Life event at The University of Texas in San Antonio. For those of you who haven't, very few mainstream news outlets carried the story, but here it is in a nutshell.  Also, here's the story from Breitbart.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Encore: Wolf Alice - Lisbon

Alright, just a few words on this one: the amazing contrast between the lyrics, and the subject of the video. This one is my personal favorite, a song so beautiful, so evocative of positive emotions...but at that same time, profoundly disturbing:

Feel like running, feel like crack
Feel like going out and smashing windows...I'm smashing windows.

And in a black, black hole deeper than death,
I would wait for you there just give me the breath to say it
Back together...

Dr. Jordan Peterson

Peterson interviewed by Cathy Newman
The Antidote to Chaos, and Psychobabble

by John Russell Turner

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, author, lecturer, father and husband who has caused, and continues to cause, quite a stir on the Internet. His YouTube channel has over two million subscribers, and most of his videos have been viewed millions of times per day. He has written three books. His most popular book, 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos has sold well over three million copies, but I haven't been able to get a more accurate number from my web research. Most of the figures I did find were around three million, and that seems plausible. Dr. Peterson has toured the world promoting this book, and there are numerous critiques of it available on-line.

I first heard about Dr. Peterson three years ago, when he was embroiled in controversy over his opposition to Canadian Bill C-16, which requires Canadians to use the "preferred pronouns" of transgendered (and other) individuals, or face legally imposed sanctions. This caused a firestorm of controversy, although Peterson's opposition was based solely on the fact that Bill C-16 was and is compelled speech, and as such, antithetical to the concept of free speech. In other words, if you refuse to use the pronouns people want you to use when referring to them, you could wind up in jail. Although jail time was not mentioned in the Bill, but fines were, what would happen if you refused to pay such fines? You'd go to jail.

Dr. Peterson reacting to protester
This infamous "Bill C-16 Incident" was how most people first heard of Dr. Peterson, and he was the subject of a whole hell of a lot of Google searches, and that is how people came to discover the fact that he had, long before the controversy over Bill C-16, posted hundreds of videos on-line about a variety of subjects: the psychology of totalitarianism/collectivism, his fascinating university lectures, the psychology, types, and origins of personality, the psychology of religion/spirituality, rational (common sensical) self-improvement, free speech, male/female relationships and male/female differences. Also, a book titled Maps of Meaning, The Architecture of Belief, which was, in effect, a rational attempt to explain human psychology in terms of ancient archetypes and mythsSuddenly, Dr. Peterson had a large number of people who were intensely interested in his ideas, and many people credit him for helping to vastly improve their lives. In fact, Dr. Peterson's work has been called the "gateway drug to Christianity' by many who were once agnostics or atheists.  I was not an atheist when I first encountered Dr. Peterson on the web, but his work did encourage me to quit being on the fence about it. Millions of people love this man for his incredible passion and intellectual honesty in covering the topics I listed above. The thing that really got me hooked was the point he made about evil living inside of all of us, so to speak, about everyone's ability to do heinous evil, and the peril one faces when this is ignored or not confronted. He asks his students and listeners: what would you have done if you lived  in Germany during the aftermath of World War I? If you were supporting a beloved family, but the only work you could find was working for the Nazis, would you? This thought gave me pause, and got me thinking about true humility and what it entails. As for the majority of his other
admirers, the free speech issues raised with Canadian Bill c-16 was the hook.

As you would expect, Dr. Peterson has many detractors on the Left, and the interesting thing about that is Peterson has become a mirror upon which you can clearly see the vile projections these Leftists unknowingly place on him. In other words, his ideas brilliantly illuminate the evil, twisted rationalizations of most Leftists, especially the post-Modernists. Dr. Peterson's work is sometimes shocking, even astounding, for he reveals the psychological nudity of Leftists who are so wrapped up in The Lie (malignant narcissism) that they cannot see it for themselves. Do you want to change the world? Make sure yours is in order first, the good Doctor advises. Clean your room. Pet a cat or dog whenever you encounter one. Always tell the truth, or at least, don't lie. Sound, solid advice. It's about time! His scathing excoriation of feminists who promote ideas such as rape culture and toxic masculinity is almost embarrassing to witness-many men have claimed that Peterson opened their eyes to the idea that it's OK to be male. Actually, Dr. Peterson's message is that it's OK to be a human being, and that's a message a lot of people need these days.

Watch this interview with Cathy Newman from England's Channel 4, and you will get an excellent overview of the Peterson phenomenon, along with the pathetic nature of his critics. This video was at one time the most viewed video on YouTube.

Featured Video: Wolf Alice, "Giant Peach"

Wolf Alice is a four piece band from London, England, fronted by mercurial lead singer/guitarist Ellie Rowsell. "Giant Peach" shows the band's expertise in musicianship, a classic jam-song sure to impress fans of any genre. For more info on the band, here is their official website.

To watch the video, which is the absolute best of the live performance videos out there, click here: Wolf Alice-Giant Peach

To watch the band's official video, click here: Wolf Alice/Vevo

New/Beginner Chess Videos

I've made a playlist of some of the better chess videos on the Web. If you are new or just beginning to play the game, these will help.

How to Play Chess, for New/Beginners

Lia Mills, Pro-Life Feminist

Lia Mills won over a lot of people when she made a speech defending the unborn-when she was 12 years old. Since then, she's continued her activism for the unborn, and has extended her interests to other issues concerning human life and the quality of human life. Intelligent, articulate, and well educated, Lia is worth listening to if you are interested in these subjects, from whatever side you are on.

Pro-Life Lia Mills YouTube Channel

Lia Mills web site

Abortion is Not Your Only Option

Yes, there are safe, sound alternatives to abortion if you find yourself with a troublesome pregnancy. Click on the link below for more information. These people will not shame you, judge you, criticize you, nor violate your confidentiality.

National Right to Life

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Global Chess Festival Web Site

The link below will take you to the Global Chess Festival website. Chess grandmaster and legend Judit Polgár sponsors this event.