Thursday, January 23, 2025

Trump Haters: A Personal Anecdote

    I've experienced what's been called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (by his supporters), right here at home. My room mate is an intelligent, attractive lady with a talent for making people feel at ease.  She is often kind, considerate, and thoughtful of others-all in all, what we sometimes call "good people". The problem is, she passionately hates Donald Trump. She has said so many times in our conversations around the house, and often I overhear her on the phone venting this hatred on her friends, who seem to agree with her. Because her tirades against Trump, his wife, and his supporters are so vitriolic, sardonic, and passionately sincere, I wondered, why? I have no problem with people who dislike or even hate Trump's policies, but what is this personal thing that we are seeing all over the world, this irrational hatred for someone who is not a murderer, child molester, thug, or a pervert? Yes, you can disagree with Trump's policies. More power to you! You can work to effect the change you want to see in policy, you can help elect politicians who represent your values, but why, oh why? do you so thoroughly hate the man? Especially when his record, his Cabinet, and his stated platform, is pro-America (for all Americans), pro-prosperity, pro-human progress-where people are truly free to pursue their dreams and goals? 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

    I remember how my Internet usage first started. I was at the University of New Orleans, learning how to use a text only browser called "Lynx" (or something like that), c. 1997.  The "Lynx" browser was essentially an index of hyperlinks to academic texts all over the world. It couldn't show images or play sound. Soon after first using Lynx, I discovered another Internet browser-Windows 3.0. This could deliver pictures and sound files! The transition from text-only to sound, audio and video seemed to happen overnight. People began talking about their favorite websites, like My Space, ICQ, Napster, and others. Wireless modems began appearing on laptops-they were typically the size of a hand held walkie-talkie, and attached to the back of the screen/lid by Velcro strips. The connection speeds were very slow compared to 2024 standards. An mp3 sound file would take about ten minutes to download, for example. The first modems were about 28 kbps, then 56 kbps came out and everyone thought that was great.

Monday, November 18, 2024

On Playing Music


"IT'S JUST TWO CHORDS!",  I told the man who complimented me after I played “Ode to Joy”. This  melody was much more complex than just two chords in Beethoven's  9th Symphony, of which “Ode to Joy” is part. Nevertheless, it has become a simple Christian worship song, a song that resembles children’s tunes in chord structure (“Mary Had a Little Lamb”, and “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” comes to mind). I briefly discussed this with him, and he confessed to loving such music for it's simplicity, but not really understanding the musical theory behind it. I was absolutely amazed at this man’s kindness, however, because it was obviously sincere. So now, dear reader, let me ask you a question: what do you think is the most real, most sincere way to show your appreciation to a musician you like? Applaud/clap? Tip? Make a shrine to him or her in your closet?

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Drill Baby Drill

A part of the reason why so many elitists support efforts to replace fossil fuels with solar and wind (mostly), is because it would eliminate a lot of their problems. How so? Because of poor people doing poor-people things that interfere with their personal elitist agendas. "We are only trying to make the world a better place for our children and their children", they claim, and that might be true. But, poor people care nothing about green energy-because it's expensive and unreliable. The poor care absolutely nothing for ideas like "diversity", "inclusion", and the rights of transsexuals. No, the poor are concerned with other more important issues, like making the rent, fending off starvation or malnutrition, somehow buying their children clothes and toys, avoiding being robbed on the street, not freezing to death in the winter, etc. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Problem with Politics


-John Russell Turner

This is what's happening in the UK right now. Farmers are being pushed off their farms. Why?

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Demonic Times

I had the experience of dealing directly with someone who hates Donald Trump. This person told me that anyone who votes for him is not welcome in her house. Well, that concerned me a little because I'm her room mate. She's sleeping right now on the other side of the apartment. Fortunately, she can not just call the police and have me evicted. I'm on the lease with her. Last night she had a run against me and Donald Trump that told me a lot. Here's a brief background: before she knew I support Trump, she thought I was a great guy and all, didn't hassle her for sex, cleaned after myself, and paid the bills on time. She'd get drunk and tell me how much she loves me, how much she "really appreciates" me and asks me to never go away. Sober, she's respectful and even affectionate. But, after she knew I supported Trump, I was a "woman hater", "against her children"; she accused me of being a "racist", of being a typical "white guy" voting for the "white guy". After spewing basically the worldview of Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg all over me-the one that posits life as a big "fuck you"-she actually had spittle foam at the corner of her mouth. She wasn't being cute or funny or practicing absurdist comedy. She was "for real". She meant (or perhaps thought she meant) all she told me. And guess what happened when I explained to her-with receipts-that  she was wrong? She doubled down, of course. Shrill, hysterical and consciously evil. All that was what this person showed me in response to learning of my support of Donald J. Trump.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Shame Tactics to Get Out the Vote?


About a week or two ago, ads started showing up on X and YouTube. The organization behind this ad campaign to get veterans to vote is called the Vet Voice Foundation. Recently I discovered that the Vet Voice Foundation is also sending out flyers via snail mail, so I got curious as to who these people are at the Vet Voice Foundation. I just wanted too see who it is that thinks trying to shame people into voting is right. 

A simple Google search reveals that Vet Voice filed a lawsuit against an attempt to reform the voting process in Washington State.  The Stranger, a Seattle based left wing news outlet (print and on-line), wrote a sympathetic piece about this lawsuit. A brief visit to the Vet Voice website reveals they consider fighting "misinformation" a campaign, a mission if you will. Click here to view their statement on this issue. So, the people using shame tactics to get veterans to vote are Leftists. Yet another example of their lunacy.