Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time (The Revelator) by Gillian Welch

On Morality

by Joan Didion

As it happens I am in Death Valley, in a room at the Enterprise Motel and Trailer Park, and it is July, and it is hot. In fact it is 119°. I cannot seem to make the air conditioner work, but there is a small refrigerator, and I can wrap ice cubes in a towel and hold them against the small of my back. With the help of the ice cubes I have been trying to think, because The American Scholar asked me to, in some abstract way about “morality,” a word I distrust more every day, but my mind veers inflexibly toward the particular.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Power is the Opiate of the Left

I have been told a few times that I should be tolerant of opposing points of view. Such tolerance is hardly appropriate when the opposing point of view is designed to enslave, plunder, or kill you. There should be no tolerance of leftism in any form, for it is a murderous, evil doctrine that at best reduces all of humanity (except the ruling class) to mediocrity, and at worst, kills us by government.

 Much has been said about how the Leftist allegedly begins his career: he sees poverty and human misery, and wants to help. He can't afford to help on his own, because he dreams of ending all human suffering. The thought of finding just one man and helping him directly apparently never occurs to him. Instead, he gets the idea that the government, with it's enormous treasury, can do the job. Ending all poverty is difficult for one man to accomplish.  Well, why take the weight of the world on your shoulders? Just go out on the street, find someone in dire need, and help that person directly, with your own money, and with your own compassion. Why force others to do so?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Floating Fortress

Someone had left a Popular Mechanics magazine in the lobby of my bank, and my attention was drawn to the cover.

For those of you who've read Orwell's 1984, you might recall the "floating fortresses" of that fictitional world. It looks like the floating fortresses will become a reality soon. Read the article.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Spring is Silent on DDT - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - Mises Daily

The Spring is Silent on DDT - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - Mises Daily

I should point out that the ban of DDT is also responsible for the "comeback" of bedbugs, which have become a big problem in American major cities now. Read the above article and discover how the environmentalists are responsible for the deaths of millions of people where malaria has made a comeback, too.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music page added

Please be sure to check out my music page, where I've placed some really good music videos.