Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Only Thing We Have to Fear

is God....

 I’ve heard it said that the Russians (which Russians?) are nervous about having a NATO ally so close to it’s southern border. But…why? the member nations of NATO stand for democracy and non-aggression. What exactly does “Russia” have to fear from NATO, and the Ukrainians? Most every day Russians have more to fear from their own government than they do having NATO-allied Ukraine at it’s southern border.

Here in America, most people are busy working for a living, protecting their families and loved ones, pursuing personal interests and hobbies, etc., etc. The same goes for the Ukrainians, at least before Russian dictator Vladimir Putin decided to invade their country. A small group of people in Russia are willing to kill innocent people who don’t agree with their ideology. They have taken over Russian culture and society, and have the Russian people under their yoke. Now they propose to do the same to the Ukrainians. This is why I say the war mongers in Russia, and their supporters abroad, are criminals. Criminals who believe that they will get away with their crimes and their evil. This is the demon we humans let loose on Earth when we created governments long, long ago. The need for government unleashes psychopaths like Putin, like Hitler, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Stalin, and any number of other tyrants who leap at the opportunity to kill and destroy with impunity and pseudo-moral justification.

So how will these criminals ever come to justice? They control nuclear weapons, capable of ending all life on Earth many times over. Do we slap economic sanctions on them, hoping to provoke the oppressed citizenry to rise up against their masters? How is this just? Ordinary citizens, desiring from others only to be left alone, will suffer from these sanctions. Many will starve, their lives destroyed by poverty. In such a condition, how will they fight against an armed government?

Meanwhile, here in this country, there are people debating how many genders we have; there are people so consumed by self-righteous hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters that they are willing to destroy everything Trump accomplished, out of spite. Here in America, people allow themselves to be obsessed with a person’s skin color, sexual identity and gender, when none of these things even matter to the actual worth of a human being. Loud, obnoxious people become shrill and scream “theocracy” or “white supremacy” when any attempt to defend Judeo-Christian ethics are made. You know, those pesky, oppressive life affirming and life sustaining ethics that Christians and Jews have been tyrannically imposing on the world, who only want the right to be self-loving narcissists, baby killers, and promiscuous fornicators.

The world is broken. Evil is abroad and at home, on the march, unchecked and unopposed in any meaningful way. The horrors we are seeing in Europe right now will soon come to our homes, our towns, our families and friends. The demons of war are loose, and they’re coming for all of us. Why did this happen? Because America basically gave up on it's position of leadership in the world, wracked by hand wringing self loathing. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fake News: Let Them Eat Cake

John Russell Turner, Sept. 21, 2019

Marie Antoinette was beheaded. Afterwards, one of the leftists attending the decapitation ceremony took her head and put it on a pole. Other leftists saw this, and a malicious, gleeful parade was formed on the streets of Paris. This, from people whose motto was "liberty, equality, and brotherhood".

So what was Marie Antoinette guilty of, to deserve such vicious cruelty? Murder? Factual treason? Child molester? None of these. She was guilty of no crime, no felony, nor misdemeanor, according to the legal codes. She was a victim of the fake news of her time-her entire family denounced as moral perverts (and criminally insane)by the propagandists, who thought they had everything to gain by the elimination of the French monarchy. Soon heads were snapping off French necks at such an alarming rate that some historians believe an infected wheat harvest (LSD producing fungus) caused the mass hysteria which was the French Revolution.

This is why the fake news media in America, and the rest of the world, is so dangerous. The mob that paraded Marie Antoinette's severed head through the streets believed every word from the propagandists/intellectuals of the time. They did the same thing then as the various news outlets do today: they appeal to humanity's darker emotions. They are literally attempting to make way for the mobs, so they may rule in the ruins.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflections From an Alleged Boomer

by John Russell Turner, July 3, 2019

Most of the sources I checked define the "Boomers" (short for "baby boomers") as anyone born in America between the years 1944-1964. That would make me a boomer.

Here is an excellent source of information on the subject of generational names.

As a matter of fact, most, if not all of the kids I grew up with would have told you that the baby boom generation was our parents, not us. My maternal grandfather came home from WW2 and almost immediately sired my mother, Karin, who was born in 1945. As for my paternal grandmother, Gertrude, she came from a line of Polish and European immigrants, along with my paternal grandfather, who was a skilled tradesman from a long Irish-European ancestry. They had my father Lawrence in 1943.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Noa Pothoven is Gone

by Sam Tobin, June 12, 2019

I read a Tweet the other day, from a prominent pro-life activist I greatly admire. The Tweet mentioned a Dutch girl who had been euthanized in The Netherlands. Here is Matt Valliere, from Fox News on this seemingly tragic story from Europe. To be fair, here is the New York Intelligencer's report, as well. It is interesting how divided this story has become, but as a week or so has passed, it is clear that Noa died from starvation...and no one at her family home, nor any doctors that knew Noa's history and what was going on, tried to stop it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Abortion: The Real Issue

I can do what I want, because I am God

by John Russell Turner, June 4, 2019

Abortion is not the real issue (although a deadly serious one). I'll get to that later. But first, a definition recap:

There are essentially two basic questions in the abortion debate, and one basic premise:

Question One, "when does human life begin?" can be easily answered. It begins at the moment of conception, that is, at the moment when the sperm fertilizes the egg and cell division begins.

Question Two: "when do human rights begin?" can be easily answered, as well. Human rights begin at the moment a human being is conceived, again, at conception. Why? Because we are human. What are human rights? The right to live, which in this context means the right not to be killed, to continue on with his or her development until natural death occurs. Some would argue for other rights, but for the purposes of this argument, let's stick to the most fundamental of rights, the right to live, because without this right, no other rights can exist.

Basic premise: it is morally wrong to kill other people for any reason other than self-defense.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Worst Betrayal of All

by John Russell Turner, May 27, 2019

The prevailing "argument" these days of pro-abortion people is to point to some other problem (usually children who are in orphanages, or going hungry), and then say something like "100,000 homeless babies, and you're worried about an embryo", etc., etc. Of course these are two very different issues: one is the problem of childhood poverty; the other, of killing defenseless unborn babies. I choose the abortion issue to worry about, because it is heinously cruel, and brutally evil to kill a defenseless unborn human being. I'll let others fight to help homeless and hungry born children, for I am only one person, as we all are, and I can't right all the wrongs in the world. I must, out of necessity, choose my battles. To say "how can you fight so passionately for the rights of the unborn when so many born children are suffering?" is in essence claiming that the unborn are not human-but they most certainly are! Science, reason, logic-and our consciences-says that human life begins at conception. Therefore, unborn babies have the right to live, and we all have the moral obligation not to kill them. They need someone to defend them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

You Owe Me, Brother

Pay Attention, and Get Busy

by John Russell Turner, May 22, 2019

OK, pal, I'm here to educate you on some basic realities. Listen up:

There is no objective reality; everything is subjective. Mankind is influenced solely by the culture he grew up in, the groups he belongs to, and ultimately, by the contents of his stomach.

I am convinced of the superiority of my moral views, because my professors at college told me so.