Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Confessions of a Trump Supporter

THE NATIONAL ELECTION IS A MONTH AWAY,  and I should check the progress of that storm out in the gulf. Although I am living outside the forecasted impact cone of the storm, I know it could head straight here. That would be tomorrow, but this morning, I am thinking about the upcoming  Presidential elections, the unreliability of any and all news sources, the January 6th incident, the 2020 elections, and Israel. 

I get  news from the same places the rest of the world gets it: from various sites on the Internet, and word of mouth. The same information that informs my opinions on political, cultural and social issues is the same information everyone with an Internet connection has. I see Donald Trump as a great leader of men; others see him as a despicable villain. Both of us are forming our opinions based on what we read online. There are many true stories and anecdotes out there-and his record as President- that clearly show Trump is an effective, competent leader worthy of praise and re-election. There are many stories that falsely claim Trump is an evil, bad person, as well. I look at both sides, and I find the evidence for Trump's basic humanity convincing. He is not a monster, he is not a dictator, he is not a misogynist, he's not a criminal-he's an extremely competent, talented leader. His record as President shows a low unemployment rate across the board, a booming economy, and withdrawal of US troops from unnecessary foreign wars. 

So why do you hate Donald Trump so much? Since you hate him, and I admire and like him, I will assume that you hate me, too, for having the temerity to support such an evil man. Only he is not evil, he's a great choice to be US President, and the evidence is slowly gathering momentum that the 2020 elections were rigged in Biden's favor. More and more people are realizing this, but are they enough to stop you? Because stopping, defeating your political agenda-getting rid of Trump at all costs-has become an existential matter for America. I realize that everyone from both sides says this during an election, but take a look around you: the world is on fire. Iran just lobbed over a hundred ballistic missiles at Israel, our southern border is being over-run by hundreds of thousands of people, a small (but significant) percentage of whom have criminal records, the cost of living has increased dramatically, and crime is up all across America. So why do you hate Trump? I know why: because he's competent, successful, wealthy, and brilliant. In her many articulate essays on the matter, Ayn Rand called this psychological phenomenon hatred of the good, for being the good. It is a clear marker indicating such a person is an ideologue or a cult member. This is envy, and it causes a lot of suffering for all involved. Since there is no "proof" that Trump is a bad, evil person deserving of death rather than the Presidency, and since you get your news from the same places I do, it is clear to me that you made the conscious choice to hate this man anyway. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you hate Trump in much the same way others hate Israel. Despite the fact that over a thousand innocent Israelis- men, women and children (babies, too) were brutally murdered, raped and tortured in their homes, they-your ideological brothers- march in the streets supporting Hamas. In these two things-Trump hatred and Jew hatred-there is a lot in common. The people of the lie-that there is no God, that personal pleasure is the only worthwhile endeavor, that morality is all relative, and that their feelings are primary-have found a demon (Jews/Trump/MAGA) to blame all the bad in the world on. Yes, it is becoming increasingly obvious: the people supporting killers and terrorists who block traffic and tear down posters of kidnapped Israelis, are being egged on by the people who have everything to lose should Trump win. Can you say Ukraine? It's all going to come out, if Trump wins. 


Confessions of a Trump Supporter

THE NATIONAL ELECTION IS A MONTH AWAY,  and I should check the progress of that storm out in the gulf. Although I am living outside the fore...