Wednesday, October 16, 2024

For My Grandchildren

The only relevant things in the job market are competency, and the ability to get along with co-workers and customers. 

Can you do the job? Perform the task efficiently and competently? Can you overlook your co-worker's obnoxious attitude and carry on with your job? Can you respect the customer's humanity, desire sincerely to help him, and ignore their body odor? Do you refrain from being obnoxious and irritating yourself? Are you kind when people approach you with their concerns? In other words, if you can do the job well, and are not a lizard person, then you'll be successful in the job market, and in the other areas of your life. Why? Because in the job market, competency and tolerance of others are paramount.

A Brief Memo to Kamala Harris

I hear what you are saying, but your words seem cacophonous and discordant. Your words are poison, as Eowyn said to Wormtongue. You lie as casually as you do anything in your life, buttressed by the belief that since it gets you what you want, it's OK, it's even moral. You want to be President, and that's all you want, the power that goes along with it. You, a master at prevarication, obfuscation and gas-lighting, care nothing for the people of America who aren't in your elite circle. 

Harris lies to serve herself and her agenda. She has traded the truth of God for a lie, and my God! she wants to be President, and to hell with anything else. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Confessions of a Trump Supporter

THE NATIONAL ELECTION IS A MONTH AWAY,  and I should check the progress of that storm out in the gulf. Although I am living outside the forecasted impact cone of the storm, I know it could head straight here. That would be tomorrow, but this morning, I am thinking about the upcoming  Presidential elections, the unreliability of any and all news sources, the January 6th incident, the 2020 elections, and Israel.