Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Evolve This

by John Russell Turner

It seems that liberals like to think that they are evolving constantly, that they are so beyond certain things (like hydrocarbon fuels, Christianity, grocery bags, and the Constitution).  I wonder sometimes, have they also evolved past the passion for excellence, past the drive to succeed and prosper? Are they even truly alive, like James Taggart from Atlas Shrugged? I say this because the liberals won the last Presidential election, and if their man is any indication of the liberal ideal, their role model for all aspiring liberals to follow, then...apparently liberals have evolved past humanity itself, and are now a new species of, er, uh...

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Dan Bongino Show

This is the show that is reshaping the landscape of conservative talk radio and podcasting, delivering an unparalleled blend of knowledge, passion, and unwavering dedication to the principles that make America great.

With his razor-sharp wit, unwavering commitment to liberty, and unparalleled expertise, Dan Bongino brings you the latest breaking news, cutting-edge analysis, and insightful commentary that will leave you informed, inspired, and ready to take action. Get ready for an exhilarating ride as he fearlessly dissects the most pressing issues of our time, exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and corruption that threaten our cherished freedoms.

The Dan Bongino Show is not just another talk show—it's an immersive experience that takes you deep into the heart of the political battlefield. Dan fearlessly dives into the trenches of current events, debunking mainstream narratives and uncovering the hidden truths that the media often tries to suppress. Armed with facts, logic, and an unyielding dedication to the Constitution, Dan dismantles the left's flawed arguments and provides the intellectual ammunition you need to defend your beliefs.

America in Decline: The Policies of the Biden Administration


In recent times, conservative pundits and news outlets have voiced concerns about the trajectory of the United States, arguing that the policies implemented by the Biden administration are contributing to the decline of the nation. Today I will explore the reasons behind these claims, focusing on key policy decisions that have allegedly hindered economic growth, weakened national security, and undermined traditional American values.

Economic Consequences:

One of the primary arguments made by conservative voices is that the economic policies pursued by the Biden administration are detrimental to the nation's prosperity. Critics argue that the administration's emphasis on increasing government intervention and regulation stifles entrepreneurship and discourages private investment. The proposed tax hikes on businesses and high-income individuals are seen as disincentives to economic growth and job creation, potentially leading to a decline in American competitiveness on the global stage.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

A.I. Prompts

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping various aspects of our lives, from personal assistants and recommendation systems, to autonomous vehicles and healthcare diagnostics, AI is also revolutionizing industries across the board. Amidst this transformation, the ability to effectively learn AI prompts has emerged as a crucial skill. 

AI prompts are instructions or questions provided to an AI model to generate a specific response or complete a given task. By learning how to formulate effective prompts, individuals can harness the power of AI to their advantage. AI prompts enable users to extract relevant information, generate creative ideas, make informed decisions, and automate tasks efficiently.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Prominent Leftist Thinkers

It is challenging to identify a single most influential thinker among modern-day leftists, as there are diverse perspectives and a range of influential figures within the leftist intellectual tradition. The left encompasses a wide spectrum of ideologies, including socialism, Marxism, anarchism, feminism, and various forms of critical theory.

That said, several thinkers have had significant influence on modern-day leftists and their ideas. Some prominent figures include:

1. Karl Marx: Marx's ideas on class struggle, capitalism, and socialism have been foundational for leftist thought. His works, such as "The Communist Manifesto" and "Capital," continue to shape the understanding of economic and social inequality.

2. Michel Foucault: Foucault's work on power, knowledge, and the construction of social institutions has been influential among leftists. His ideas have been applied to understanding various forms of oppression and social control.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Dark Triad

The dark triad is a fascinating and complex phenomenon that has captured the attention of psychologists and the public alike. It refers to three personality traits that are often associated with negative outcomes and unethical behavior: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

Narcissism is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for admiration and attention. Machiavellianism is characterized by a manipulative and exploitative approach to relationships and a willingness to use others for personal gain. Psychopathy is characterized by a lack of empathy, impulsivity, and a disregard for social norms and moral principles.