Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Tyrannical Impulse and Social Justice

There is no such thing as "social justice"; it is a null concept allegedly first-coined by Luigi Taparelli, a Catholic priest, c. 1840. If you try to find a definition of this term, you'll get something like this:

(from the Oxford English Dictionary): "justice in terms  of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and    privileges within a society."

(from The UN, 2006):  "the fair and equitable distribution of economic, political, and social resources, based on the principles of equality, human rights, and non-discrimination."

Just take a few minutes and digest that. Important questions arise. What are economic resources? Who decides what is fair, and just? Who distributes these things? And more importantly, who produces them?

Ideas like property rights, individual responsibility, and the basic principle that something can not arise out of nothing are involved here, but these things are anathema to social justice theories, all of which are merely intellectual rationalizations for the theft of economic resources so that it might be "distributed" to the masses. All of this depends on the use of government power, government force and violence, to somehow produce a world where everyone has a mansion and a yacht, eats steak and caviar, and no need to work for anything. 

All of this is merely a moral smokescreen and justification for totalitarian tyrants to seize personal power over others. "The Good of Mankind" is not their reason.