Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Social Justice

WHAT IS SOCIAL JUSTICE?  If anything, it is an abstract, vague, and ultimately, meaningless term.  How can two abstract words like social and justice be linked together in any coherently objective way?  They can not... "social justice" means whatever any particular individual says it means, since it is an idea in someone's imagination of how the world should be. Who decides what is "socially" just or not?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Man vrs State: The Proper Role of Government

 by John Russell Turner

IT IS INFORMATIVE TO ASK WHY MANKIND INVENTED GOVERNMENT. It’s not a difficult question to answer: we made government because it became clear to all of us that there were some who just wouldn’t follow the rules. Some people will cheat. Some will steal. Some will commit crimes, break contracts, smoke in public places…wait a minute, smoke in public places? Is that something any government should be concerned with? 

Man invented government  to give a group of people the power to enforce the law,  and also, to run a military force.

Friday, March 25, 2011

David Horowitz: Opposing the Palestinian War Against the Jews

Leftists operate on the basis of doctrines that were discredited over the entire course of the 20th century at the cost of 100 million innocent lives. 
                                                                                 -David Horowitz

The link below will take you to the transcript of a speech made by David Horowitz at an unidentified college campus. This is a good place to start if you'd like to know the truth about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Alternative to the Welfare State

Click the link below to read a piece suggesting a way to continue helping the poor, but at a greatly lower cost.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Latest Banality

It's getting to the point where if I see the phrase "spot on", I immediately begin to feel ill, so I ignore whatever else that person has written. Could all of you spot-on people out there read Orwell's Politics and the English Language, and let the things he writes about there influence your writing, instead of slavish imitation of celebrity jargon?