Thursday, January 23, 2025

Trump Haters: A Personal Anecdote

    I've experienced what's been called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (by his supporters), right here at home. My room mate is an intelligent, attractive lady with a talent for making people feel at ease.  She is often kind, considerate, and thoughtful of others-all in all, what we sometimes call "good people". The problem is, she passionately hates Donald Trump. She has said so many times in our conversations around the house, and often I overhear her on the phone venting this hatred on her friends, who seem to agree with her. Because her tirades against Trump, his wife, and his supporters are so vitriolic, sardonic, and passionately sincere, I wondered, why? I have no problem with people who dislike or even hate Trump's policies, but what is this personal thing that we are seeing all over the world, this irrational hatred for someone who is not a murderer, child molester, thug, or a pervert? Yes, you can disagree with Trump's policies. More power to you! You can work to effect the change you want to see in policy, you can help elect politicians who represent your values, but why, oh why? do you so thoroughly hate the man? Especially when his record, his Cabinet, and his stated platform, is pro-America (for all Americans), pro-prosperity, pro-human progress-where people are truly free to pursue their dreams and goals?